
Who can you donate to if you are rhesus negative/positive?

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O Negative is considered universal and can donate to ANY blood type. O Positive can be donated to any POSITIVE blood type.
A Negative can donate to A negative, A positive, AB Negative or AB Positive A Positive can donate to A Positive or AB Positive
B Negative can donate to B negative, B positive AB Negative or AB Positive B Positive can donate to B positive or AB Positive
AB Negative can donate to AB Negative or AB Positive AB Positive can donate to AB Positive.
This is based on the antigens present in the blood typing....AB Positive can receive ANY type of blood (a universal RECIPIENT) because of all of the antigens present. O Negative is absent of all the antigens, and therefore will not cause a patient an adverse reaction if it is received, which is why it's a universal