Who influenced Andreas Vesalius? Who was influenced by Andreas Vesalius? What were Vesalius's ideologies?

Some of his earliest influences came from faculty members at the university where he studied. Their names are Jean Dubois (Sylvius) and Johann Guinther von Andernach. Both Sylvius and Guinther were proponents of the new Galenic anatomy. Based on Galen's earlier medical writings, Vesalius produced the most comprehensive book (with illustrations) of human anatomy known at that time (mid-1500's), "On the Workings of the Human Body." This became the most widely used text for training of physicians and surgeons until Virchow's later work on pathology. One of Vesalius's most distinguished fellow students at Padua was Dr. John Caius, who was later to become the worthy president of the Royal College of Physicians of England and the author of certain important medical works. Dr. Caius was the first to introduce the practice of public dissections into England.
Vesalius' ideas were that while human beings had similar structures to many animals, it was in, itself, a wholly unique system. He would later prove this through dissections of the human body.