What are the chronic complications of diabetes?

If you..are.the diabetic..don't waste time..right now.
There are two ways..to deal..your diabetic
1.If you are a real christian..believing Jesus christ
then..your diabetic..already stands..cured
as..Jesus had already..bourn it on the cross
and..you have been ..already healed by his stripes
Just believe this, and submit your diabetic worries
to the Lord..submit the whole of your body, spirit and soul
to the Lord Jesus Christ,confess all your sins and ask forgivenes and
lead a sinless life,with the help of the Holy Spirit.
2.If you are not of that sort..you have no time to delay any more
check your blood sugar level immediately..take life long medication
as directed by physician.You..have no escape..!!
3.As for the complications.right now..check your eye sight
eye sight must be the..most vulnerable aspect of diabetic
secondly..without timely food (clock precision) is a must
dietary control..is the next bible( for those who do not bother to
mind about the real bible) and physical excercise..is the next must
4.diabetic is the cause of insuficient insulin in the digestive
stream if coluld be simply stated
5.Watch out for BP levels & cholostral levels