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The different ways we break down food in our bodies will be divided into two groups.
1.The digestive process in general.
Mastication or chewing with mixture with saliva in the mouth actually begins the process of food break down.Enzymes in saliva like ptyalin initiate carbohydrate breakdown.Even some ready made glucose is also absorbed from the mouth.
Churning in the stomach with gastric juice as well as succus entericus from the small intestine and bile from gall bladder.The muscular twisting of the small intestines as well as the stomach help the mixixng process whilethe various juices for digestion complete the biochemicalprocess of breaking down the food to absorbable glucose,amino acids and fat and triglycerides.
2.Specific pathways biochemical for the three major food types .
Theses absorbed food basic units .representatives are further broken down to either energy sources, glycogen and fat stores or outright body proteins for repairs by another range of biochemicalprocesses that end up with water as a bye product as well as high energy phosphates-ATP.