
How do I cancel my subscription?

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no. I want to cancel this.

I want to cancel my subscription

At this time, I'm not using Bookrags. I need to cancel my subscription until further notice immediately. Thank you.

Cancel my subscription to Bookrags immediately. Thank you.

I want to cancel and receive verification that my subscription has been cancelled immediately! I can not find the click sites to get to the cancelling of a subscription that the directions give. Please Cancel my subscription to Bookrags as of February 14th, 2022 and send the verfication to me. Thank you

please cancel my bookrags subscription immediately

Third Avenue 999
WA 98104 Seattle
United States

5-03-2024, Buffallo

REGISTERED: cancel Bookrags

I hereby terminate my agreement with the following details as of the earliest possible date .

Personal data:
Name: Khilola Kholikova
Address: Creeksidevillage
Postcode + city: 14260 Buffallo
E-mail: hilolaxoliqova97@gmail.com

I would like to receive a confirmation of the cancellation by e-mail as soonas

Kind regards,

Khilola Kholikova

I just got this sub but I do belive you go to your settings


My mum told me