Distinguish between mRNA,tRNA & rRNA?

messenger RNA carries the genetic information that will be expressed ultimately as proteins. In prokaryotes, it is short-lived and is turned over rapidly. Eukaryotic mRNA is more stable as a result of the modifications that are made to it after it is transcribed.
transfer RNA is the adapter molecule. It recognizes the codons of the mRNA on the one hand, and it can be covalently bonded to the appropriate amino acid, on the other.
ribosomal RNA is found in the ribosomes.
Prokaryotic ribosomes have 3 rRNA molecules: 23S, 16S and 5S.
Eukaryotic ribosomes have 4 rRNA molecules: 28S, 18S, 5.8S and 5S.
rRNA was once thought to be an inert scaffold for the ribosomal proteins. We now know that the 23S (and 28S) rRNA is the catalytic agent in protein synthesis.