This Earth of Mankind

State the theme you conclude from the book.


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One important themes addressed is that of class and race, which are presented as separate yet intertwined themes in the novel. Race refers to whether someone is Native, Indo, or European. Race often equates with Class, as Europeans are the top class, Indos are generally middle class, and Natives are the lowest class. However, within each race there are different classes. There are upper-class Natives who are part of the ruling party, although they are still well beneath the European rulers. Likewise, there are low class Indos and Europeans.

Class and race play a major role in the novel. In some ways, Native, Indo, and European almost seem like characters themselves. Almost every chapter uses these terms in depicting various events and situations. The combination of class and race is what ultimately dooms Annelies. Prejudices of class influence Minke at first, and he must overcome the prejudices against the typically lower-class concubines when he befriends the Mellema family.

