English & Literature
Who is Yakov from Harvest and what is their importance? Harvest English & Literature Yakov | Harvest

Yakov is the young orphan who lives with a man he calls Uncle Misha until he is purchased away to go to America. In truth, the man Yakov calls "uncle" is nothing more than a pimp who cares for a group of young boys but demands that they each earn their way by picking pockets, stealing and performing acts of prostitution. Yakov has only one hand, the other arm ending in a "stump." However, he is an attractive child who garners a great deal of attention from the clients who visit the house looking for sexual encounters. Yakov is initially disappointed when he realizes that he isn't the favorite of a couple who buy the boys to take to America. However, he is also quickly afraid of the changes in his life, though he can't quite say what there is to fear.