English & Literature
Who is Willie Chandler, Jr. from The Girl Next Door and what is their importance? The_Girl_Next_Door_(novel) English & Literature "Willie Chandler

Willie Chandler, Jr. is the same age as his brother, but a world apart in personality. Willie's attraction to Meg is one of pure anger and sexual rage. Willie is the meaner of the twins, and while he does find Meg attractive, he also enjoys the violence and cruelty the situation displays.
Unlike his twin brother Donny, Willie enjoys participating in the abuse of Meg, and is often the instigator of the physical abuse. It is Willie who first thinks to get Meg into the "Game", and Willie who is first to take a swing at Meg. Willie's character clearly shows that some individuals go along with others not out of fear or responsibility, but enjoyment. While Willie may not have abused Meg without others involved, he clearly has no guilt about his actions.