English & Literature
Who is Willie Bosket from All God's Children and what is their importance?

All God's Children tells Willie Bosket's story. The author argues that Willie is the most violent criminal in New York history. Willie grew up without a father, and he was regularly verbally and emotionally abused by his mother.
Willie was imprisoned at the age and shuttled between juvenile centers until his release at age fifteen. His supervisors were convinced that he would kill, and they were right. Both Noel Perez and Moises Perez (no relation) were murdered by Willie on two separate occasions. Over the years, Willie committed over two thousand crimes.
Due to Willie's violent crimes, Governor Carey of New York had a juvenile offender act passed, allowing juveniles to be tried as adults. Because of this act, Willie was imprisoned before age twenty-one. Once released, Willie tried to go straight. He even got married and held down a job. He also became interested in Black Muslim theology, which led him to believe that he was a victim of racist white America. Willie was imprisoned for life.
All God's Children