English & Literature
Who is Willie Bosket from All God's Children and what is their importance?

All God's Children is a profile and history of Willie Bosket, who the author argues is the most violent criminal in the history of the New York Correctional System (though this may be an exaggeration). Like his father, Willie grew up without a present father but he also grew up with a verbally and emotionally abusive mother. Willie starting being violent at age nine and learned, like his father, that all he had was honor and respect and the only way to maintain it was to be more dangerous, violent and crazy than anyone else. Willie had been imprisoned for age nine for crime after crime and was shuttled from juvenile center to juvenile system until he was released around age fifteen. Willie's supervisors were convinced that he would kill someone and he eventually killed too men, Noel Perez and Moises Perez (no relation) on two separate occasions, along with committing hundreds of robberies. By the present day, Willie committed over two thousand crimes.