English & Literature
Who is Will Klein from Gone for Good and what is their importance? Gone_for_Good_(novel) English & Literature Will Klein | Gone for Good

Brother of accused murderer Ken Klein, Will has lived most of his life with the stigma of that association. He works as a director of a youth shelter called Covenant House and lives with his girlfriend, Nora Springs, though he does not know her real name until near the end of the story. Will is a kind person who throws himself into his work with youthful runaways. He notes that the children are basically unlovable and unloving, and that the only option is to show consistent caring in the hope that some will come to trust. Toward that end, he sometimes spends his nights on the streets with a friend, handing out sandwiches, blankets and phone cards, and listening to the stories of any who are willing to talk. Though Will continues to believe in Ken's innocence, he does come to a point when he refuses to talk about it. He blames his mother's failing health and her death on Ken's situation, though he puts most of the blame for that on the police who pursued him so relentlessly for Ken's decision to run away. Will is basically a trusting person as is seen when he learns that his girlfriend, Nora, is not who she says she is. When he does catch up to her, he knows that he still loves her no matter what has happened and that he still wants to marry her.