English & Literature
Who is Viktor Landauer from The Glass Room and what is their importance?

Although Viktor Landauer is not the novel's main character, his life and experiences shape the outline of the story. Landauer is a rich, successful business man. His family owns Landauer Motors, a Czech and German automobile company. Viktor is described as cool, calculating, and smart. When we first meet him, he is a newlywed, who appears to be responsible and excited about life.
When his wife, Liesel, becomes pregnant with their first child, Viktor changes..... taking on more conservative views. His conservatism, however, doesn't transfer to his home life, and he indulges in an affair outside of marriage. Over time, Voktor comes to feel that his mistress is the only person who allows him to be himself.
As the novel progresses, Viktor's tendency for perfection is revealed.... he has always has plans, and he can't handle when this don't go as he's envisioned.
The Glass Room