English & Literature
Who is Truman Held from Meridian: A Novel and what is their importance? Meridian:_(novel) English & Literature Truman Held | Meridian: A Novel

Truman Held is a black man, who is heavily involved in the Civil Rights Movement. He is described as pretentious, superficial, and extremely handsome. He loves women for what they can give him physically but has no appreciation for their individuality or intelligence.
Truman's interest in white women is based on his need to conquer. Over time, he marries Lynne Rabinowitz, a white Jewish exchange student, and even though he loves her in his own fashion, he views her as a white woman rather than an individual. Truman later comes to see his marriage as a betrayal to his race and begins sleeping with other women.
Eventually, Truman loses interest in the Civil Rights Movement and devotes himself to art. When his five-year-old daughter is beaten to death in a hate crime, he is devastated. Truman takes Meridian's place when she leaves, because he needs to understand and heal.
Meridian: A Novel