English & Literature
Who is Tinbury McFadden from The Cabinet of Curiosities and what is their importance? The_Cabinet_of_Curiosities English & Literature Tinbury McFadden | The Cabinet of Curiosities

Tinbury McFadden was an early curator of the Museum of Natural History. Tinbury was not a scientist, but a science buff who liked to collect historical artifacts. Tinbury was a member of the Lyceum and would often advise other members on their collections. Tinbury was also in charge of buying out cabinets of curiosity as the museum ran them out of business. As part of his job, Tinbury was acquainted with Shottum and would often acquire pieces of his collection in payment for his help in identifying his acquisitions. One of these was a box made of an elephant's foot. It is inside this box that Nora and Pendergast found the letter accusing Leng of the murders in Shottum's Cabinet. Later, Nora learns that McFadden disappeared and his daughter suspected Leng of his death. This helps Nora to identify a skeleton as McFadden in the basement of a building that stands over what was once Leng's laboratory.