English & Literature
Who is The Harley Street Doctor and the Lifeguard from A Leg to Stand On and what is their importance? A_Leg_to_Stand_On English & Literature The Harley Street Doctor and the Lifeguard | A Leg to Stand On

During his convalescence, the author pays a visit to a renowned doctor in Harley Street, a mini-community of physicians in London, England, to get a second opinion on both his experiences with his "missing" leg and his recovery. The doctor comments that his experiences with his leg are not uncommon but have also not been documented, and the causes for such experiences have not been examined. He encourages the author to explore both experience and cause and write about it for the potential benefit of both potential patients and physicians. Meanwhile, after hearing about the author's concern about the slowness of his recovery, the Harley Street doctor arranges with a friendly lifeguard to jolt the author into taking a more active role in his recovery.