English & Literature
Who is The Apostle Paul from Eternity in Their Hearts and what is their importance? Eternity_in_Their_Hearts English & Literature The Apostle Paul | Eternity in Their Hearts

Saul of Tarsus is a man who is a Jew and a Roman citizen. He zealously persecutes the early Christians, until one day he has a vision in which Jesus Christ appears to him, and calls him as an apostle to preach the message of the forgiveness of sins to the Gentiles. Saul is temporarily blinded, and when he regains his sight, he becomes a Christian. He starts going by his Roman name, Paul, and preaching the message of Jesus to everyone, even Gentiles. At first, the other Christians are suspicious, since at the time, Christianity is just a sect of Judaism, and also because they have heard of Saul for his persecutions. Soon they embrace Paul, acknowledging him as one of the apostles, and he convinces them that Jesus's message is meant for all people, not just the Jews.