English & Literature
Who is Supaari VaGayjur from Children of God: A Novel and what is their importance? Children_of_God_(novel) English & Literature Supaari VaGayjur | Children of God: A Novel

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An ambitious Jana'ata merchant on the planet Rakhat, Supaari of Gayjur is the prime spokesman during the planet's first contact with humans, detailed in The Sparrow. He gains the visiting Jesuits' trust, grossly misinforms protagonist Emilio Sandoz about the planet's sociology, and ultimately is responsible for the maiming of Emilio's hands and his suffering repeated gang rapes. Supaari is introduced in Children of God receiving without reaction news from the Paramount of Inbrokar that his new-born daughter has a defective foot and must be, by his own hand, sacrificed next morning. Supaari, however, discovers that the baby is not deformed and abducts her, naming her Ha'anala after the human Dr. Anne Edwards.