English & Literature
Who is Stephen Lewis from The Child in Time and what is their importance? The_Child_in_Time English & Literature Stephen Lewis | The Child in Time

A writer of children's books, Stephen sits on a government subcommittee aimed at creating a handbook to be released as the official government stand on child care. Stephen is a dedicated father and husband and he takes Kate to the market on the day she is kidnapped. Stephen feels the guilt of having been in charge of Kate when she is taken and spends all his time in the coming months in search of her. Stephen's role in the government subcommittee is a stabilizing part of his life when he is trying to get on with his life after Kate's disappearance. As Stephen battles to find a way to live with the loss of Kate, he watches as one of his best friends falls into the depths of madness, torn between his desire to live a successful life as an adult and the idyllic life of a child. Stephen does not realize this aspect of his friend's life until much later. Stephen loses touch with his wife Julie for a period of time but reunites with her just as Julie is giving birth to their second child more than two years after Kate's disappearance.