English & Literature
Who is Sigmund Freud from Childhood and Society and what is their importance? Childhood_and_Society English & Literature Sigmund Freud | Childhood and Society

Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939), was the Austrian neurologist who founded psychoanalysis, perhaps the first school of clinical psychology. He developed the theory of the unconscious mind, the idea of the defense mechanism and repression, and his radical new understanding of sexual desire as the primary motivating energy of life.
Freud developed the idea of transference, the interpretation of dreams, and while his ideas have become unpopular, he has inspired numerous schools of Neo-Freudians, of which Erikson was a member.
Freud famously divided human psychological motivations into three types: the Id, or the animal force of desire, the Superego, or the conscience and the Ego, or the force that balances the two. He also developed a theory of psychosexual development, where infants and children pass from the oral stage to the anal stage, the phallic stage and the latency stage, ending in the genital stage.
Childhood and Society