English & Literature
Who is Sergei Eisenstein from Cinema 1: The Movement-Image and what is their importance? Cinema_1:_The_Movement_Image English & Literature Sergei Eisenstein | Cinema 1: The Movement-Image

Sergei Eisenstein is a Russian film director who represents the Soviet school. He replaces Griffith's parallel montage and convergence with his own montage of opposition and qualitative leap into the organic-pathetic set. Eisenstein is a leader of the Soviet school because he develops the third law of dialectic to reunite the organic whole and pathetic interval. Examples of Eisenstein's work include "Battleship Potemkin" and "October." The Soviet film-maker masters both in a third law to overcome dialectic in "pathetisation," whereby a small form grafts onto a large form in combination. For example, in "Battleship Potemkin" he uses landscape and a ship's foggy silhouette as "synsigns" while the captain's eyeglass is an "index" for transformation.