English & Literature
Who is Senator Loretta Wager from A Certain Justice and what is their importance? A_Certain_Justice English & Literature Senator Loretta Wager | A Certain Justice

Loretta Wager married Dana Wager, a wealthy older man shortly out of school. She had her first and only child Elaine in the first year of their marriage, and stayed with Dana until he left her a widow many years later. A US Senator, Loretta is the first woman and the first African American to be elected to that position in California. Loretta met Abe Glitsky in college. At the age of twenty-two, she had perfect form and a forward demeanor. She worked as recruiter for the Black Student Union, and was already manipulative in those early days, using her sexuality to get what she wanted from men. It was a character flaw that she took into adulthood with her and honed to her advantage at every opportunity. Senator Wager had flown in from Washington the day after the lynching of Arthur Wade, seeing an opportunity to put herself in the public eye. She was quick to address the media, telling them that apprehending Wade's murderers had to be the city's first priority.