English & Literature
Who is Sally Cochran Rausch from --and Ladies of the Club and what is their importance? #NAME? English & Literature Sally Cochran Rausch | --and Ladies of the Club

Close friends with Anne, Sally and Anne are initially invited to join the club by Mrs. Lowrey on the day of their commencement exercises. She is referred to as "Sarah" on the club's rolls. Sally eventually marries a man named Ludwig Rausch, who has a dream of starting a rope factory in Waynesboro. Sally is a strong character, though she is somewhat headstrong and unwilling to compromise in many instances. A strong example of this is seen when her son gets a girl pregnant out of wedlock. Sally believes there should be some alternative other than marriage, but her son insists on marrying the girl and Sally says she'll never welcome them into her home, though it means she won't have contact with her grandchild. She eventually relents, though it's circumstances that force her to do so.