English & Literature
Who is Roger from Memnoch the Devil and what is their importance? Memnoch_the_Devil English & Literature Roger | Memnoch the Devil

Roger is a vain drug dealer and art smuggler who catches the attention of Lestat as a victim. His main passion seems to be in collecting religious artifacts, which is odd, as he comments that he had sold his soul in order to obtain fine things. He is the father of Dora, a religious figure in New Orleans, where Lestat first spies the man. He has a sixth sense that seems to intrigue Lestat as well. When Lestat first enters Roger's secret hiding place, he leaves the door ajar, and when Roger searches the property, he seems to instinctively and immediately know what rooms Lestat had been in. Once Lestat reveals himself to Roger, Roger knows that he is not human and does not fight him. Instead, he talks to Lestat as Lestat drinks from him, and finally the last thought he has is of a black granite statue that Lestat is oddly afraid of.