English & Literature
Who is Robert Koop from Night Prey and what is their importance? Night_Prey English & Literature Robert Koop | Night Prey

The killer, known as Koop in the novel, is a cat burglar whose only other occupation in life is working out at the gym, doing drugs and killing. Koop had killed his own mother when he was in the army, Koop's mother had been a drunk who would bring home random men and perform oral sex for extra money. Koop's mother constantly complained about other women looking down on her, women who dressed well and had a different standing in life. It is this type of woman that Koop targets, women who live relatively well, yet seem to be searching for something, yearning for love. Koop targets the women in bookstores, watching and waiting, preying on the women that seem to be looking for love. Koop takes the women when he is sure no one is watching, sometimes killing them quickly, sometimes keeping them for a few days.