English & Literature
Who is Robby Wideman from Brothers and Keepers: A Memoir and what is their importance?

Robby Wideman is serving a life sentence for felony murder in a Pittsburgh penitentiary. He grew up in the Homewood Avenue section of Pittsburgh and was difficult from the start. His parents couldn't control him, and he certainly couldn't control himself. Unfortunately, Robby's downhill spiral quickened its pace when he became addicted to heroin and began to deal the drug as well.
During a robbery attempt on November 15, 1975, one of Robby's men shot a criminal they were trying to steal from..... the man died. Robby then fled the state and avoided the police for three months before he was captured, tried, and sentenced to life imprisonment. In prison, Robby began to grow and develop as a person. He converted to the Muslim faith and decided to co-write this book with his brother.
Brothers and Keepers: A Memoir