English & Literature
Who is Richard (Dick, Dickie) Hickock from Dirt and what is their importance? Dirt_(novel) English & Literature "Richard (Dick

Richard A. Hickock, known to friends and associates as Dick or Dickie, is the Chairman of Galaxy Media. He is stocky and balding. Hickock is married to Glynnis and has a mistress, Tiffany (Tiff) Potts, who is 19-years-old. Hickock panics when the third issue of DIRT reveals his affair with Potts. Hickock also has a large financial interest in an offshore company called Window Seat, Limited. Window Seat is the parent corporation of the publisher of three gay pornography magazines and an Internet company which produces child pornography. Window Seat's funds are all held in banks in the Cayman Islands, and Hickock's money is untaxed. He spends a great deal of time in Europe, which is also where he spends his offshore earnings. If Window Seat, Limited were ever exposed, Hickock would be ruined and very probably, sent to prison for tax evasion.