English & Literature
Who is Prospero from Tales from Shakespeare and what is their importance? Tales_from_Shakespeare English & Literature Prospero | Tales from Shakespeare

Prospero, the main character in the tale "The Tempest," exhibits many noble character traits. He is betrayed by his younger brother, Antonio, and the king of Naples, put in a small boat without any provisions and left to perish far out at sea. Prospero has always been interested in magic and, fortunately, a loyal friend of his secretly puts provisions for him and his small daughter in the boat and also his books on magic. The boat lands on an enchanted island. It was enchanted by a witch, Sycorax. Spirits were entrapped in trees by the witch. The witch dies shortly before Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, are cast upon the island. With the help of his books on magic, Prospero frees the spirits and employs one of them, Ariel, as his chief servant. Prospero is even kind to the ugly, ape-like Caliban, son of the witch whom he finds on the island. He teaches him to speak.