English & Literature
Who is Pocha ( from Captain Pantoja and the Special Service and what is their importance? Captain_Pantoja_and_the_Special_Service English & Literature Pocha ( | Captain Pantoja and the Special Service

Pocha is PantaleĆ³n Pantoja's doting wife and Gladys' mother. Although no physical description of her is given, one might assume that Pocha Pantoja is quite an attractive young woman. Pocha is a homemaker and sometime-companion for her mother-in-law, Leonor. Pocha is modest and, like her husband, rather straight-laced. She is very proud of the progress Panta makes as a soldier/administrator and is extremely supportive of her husband's career. Pocha especially enjoys the amenities associated with being an officer's wife. Pocha has a younger sister whose name (or nickname) is Chichi. The assumption that the sisters are quite close is borne out by Pocha's letter to Chichi in Chapter 3. A traditionalist by nature, Pocha is shocked at her husband's sexual awakening upon their arrival in Iquitos. Pocha is devastated when she discovers her husband's affair with the Brazilian. However, what forces her to leave Captain Pantoja is his involvement in the Special Service.