English & Literature
Who is Peter from Going to Meet the Man and what is their importance? Going_to_Meet_the_Man English & Literature Peter | Going to Meet the Man

Peter is an out-of-work actor who depends on friends to provide him with a place to live. Peter surrounds himself with white people, enjoying their company and the idea of the freedoms they have. Peter's friend is Jewish, someone he hopes understands where he is coming from when it comes to prejudice. Peter's lover is white, a woman who married a rich man in order to allow her to spend as much time as she likes with her various lovers. Peter believes he fits in this world, but slowly comes to realize he does not. One night, Peter goes to a black bar and sits at the counter. Peter knows that he appears to fit in, but feels as though he does not fit here anymore than he fits in his other world. Peter wants to fit, however, and he begins to converse with a woman at the bar to make himself feel more welcome.