English & Literature
Who is Paul Bronski from Mila 18 and what is their importance? Mila_18 English & Literature Paul Bronski | Mila 18

Paul Bronski is a secular Jew, a man who has all but denounced his own religion in the name of career and later, the safety of himself and his family. A doctor, and Dean of the medical school of the University of Warsaw, Bronski loses that position when the Nazis take over. He is then appointed to head the Jewish Civil Authority by his old medical school rival, Franz Koenig, who now holds a position with the new Nazi administration. Paul's response to continued directives that restrict Jewish freedom and livelihood is to cooperate, justifying his actions by his concern for the safety of his family members, none of whom share his beliefs in cooperation. Ultimately, Paul commits suicide, unable to balance his cooperation with the Nazis and his loyalty to his Jewish background.