English & Literature
Who is Palmer Shepard from Hide & Seek: A Novel and what is their importance? Hide_&_Seek:_A_Novel English & Literature Palmer Shepard | Hide & Seek: A Novel

Palmer Shepard is Will's little brother. Palmer has none of the mental problems his brother suffers because he was too young to be aware of the volatile atmosphere of the family home before his father's suicide. This causes Will to dislike Palmer and the two are never really close. However, Palmer comes to Rio when Will plays in the World Cup and is the only one to discover Will's murder of a young Brazilian girl. Palmer covers it up and forces Will to pay him blackmail money for the rest of his life. Will becomes tired of paying this money and he kills Palmer, making it look as though he were Will, killed by Maggie. Will then takes Palmer's identity and lives as his brother for several months before going after Maggie in her own home.