English & Literature
Who is Neal Backman from The Broker and what is their importance? The_Broker English & Literature Neal Backman | The Broker

Neal Backman is Joel Backman's son, and the only one of his three children who will take his calls. Neal is ashamed of his father, and he is humiliated by the attention and notoriety his father's crimes brought on their family. After his father's arrest, Neal retired to a small town where he still practices law in a small firm. Neal is now married, and he and his wife are the parents of a small child. He has no desire to be caught up in his father's drama any longer.
However, when Joel Backman contacts his son secretly and asks for help, Neal cannot stop from offering that help. Neal sends his father a phone on which they communicate for several weeks before the phone is stolen by Backman's CIA handlers. Later, when Joel Backman manages to make it back to Washington, Neal rushes to his side to help him broker one last deal that should result in Joel's freedom. Neal proves himself to be a loyal son who does not hold grudges despite all his father did to his own reputation.
The Broker