English & Literature
Who is Mrs. Corrine Foxworth Winslow from Petals on the Wind and what is their importance? Petals_on_the_Wind English & Literature Mrs. Corrine Foxworth Winslow | Petals on the Wind

Corrine Foxworth Winslow is the daughter of a very rich businessman named Malcolm Foxworth. When Corrine was a teen, she ran away and married a man she knew was her half-uncle. This marriage caused a rift between Corrine and her parents, leaving her isolated when her husband died. Corrine turns to her parents anyway and agrees to hide her children away in their attic to keep her father from knowing about them in the hopes of convincing him to return Corrine to his will. Corrine is so desperate for the money she will inherit upon her father's death that she goes a step further and attempts to kill her own children in order to keep the world from knowing they ever existed, resulting in the death of one child. However, three others escaped into the world and were taken in by Dr. Paul Sheffield, a fact Corrine was made aware of by the court, but she chose to ignore.