English & Literature
Who is Mr. Garrett from Casting the Runes, and Other Ghost Stories and what is their importance? Casting_the_Runes English & Literature "Mr. Garrett | Casting the Runes

Mr. Garrett is a librarian who helps John Eldred try to find a book, but realizes he should actually be helping a woman named Mary Simpson. He is a fully developed character in this collection of short stories. Garrett is willing to help John Eldred find the book he is seeking, but whenever he tries, he keeps seeing a mysterious parson. Eventually, he meets Mary Simpson, who tells him she was supposed to get an inheritance from her uncle but cannot find the will. Garrett realizes the will is hidden in the book that Eldred was looking for, and tries to get it before Eldred can. However, Eldred has already had the book sent to him. Garrett races to his house, trying to stop Eldred before he destroys it. However, the ghost of the parson comes and attacks Eldred, killing him.