English & Literature
Who is Mr. Ferro from Rocket Boys: A Memoir and what is their importance? Rocket_Boys English & Literature Mr. Ferro | Rocket Boys: A Memoir

Mr. Leon Ferro is one of three welders in Coalwood, working for the mine, and is the supervisor of the big machine shop and a company many like Sonny's father. Mr. Ferro is a machinist who requires a trade to do business with the rocket boys. He also requires engineering drawings from Sonny, if the boys want to get work done in his shop. His insistence upon trading teaches Sonny and the rocket boys essential community building skills. Sonny manages to get things that Mr. Ferro and Mrs. Bykovski needs. Mr. Ferro machines a rocket for the boys but it is determined it is too heavy. Mr. Ferro then allows another machinist, Clinton Caton, to handle the project. Mr. Ferro and the other machinists support and help the BCMA and the rockets boys all the way through their National Science fair win.