English & Literature
Who is Mr. and Mrs. Steenwijk and Peter from The Assault and what is their importance? The_Assault English & Literature Mr. and Mrs. Steenwijk and Peter | The Assault

Mr. and Mrs. Steenwijk are Anton's parents. Mrs. Steenwijk is a strong woman who takes charge when her son attempts to move the body of Fake Ploeg from in front of their house. Mrs. Steenwijk believes if they mind their own business, the Germans will believe them innocent of any wrongdoing. However, the Germans are not as fair as Mrs. Steenwijk believes they will be. The family is dragged out of the house. Anton learns later that his mother stood up to the German soldiers, perhaps precipitating her own execution. In contrast to Mrs. Steenwijk, Mr. Steenwijk is a clerk who remains quiet all during the debate over what to do about Ploeg's body. In fact, Mr. Steenwijk barely speaks in the early portions of the novel after finishing giving Peter his lessons. Peter, on the other hand, is more like his mother. Peter takes charge immediately, wanting to move the body in order to protect his family. Unfortunately, Peter acts too late and finds himself vulnerable on the street with the soldiers come. Peter takes Ploeg's gun, a fatal mistake, and is killed when the soldiers see him holding the gun on the Korteweg family.