English & Literature
Who is Mr. and Mrs. Beumer from The Assault and what is their importance? The_Assault English & Literature Mr. and Mrs. Beumer | The Assault

Mr. and Mrs. Beumer lived on the other side of the Steenwijks. Mr. Beumer once had Anton to his house on many occasions in order to read to him. Seven years after that fateful night in 1945, Anton returns to the quay where he grew up and finds the Beumers still there. Mrs. Beumer has Anton in for coffee, where he discovers that Mr. Beumer has gone senile in his old age. Mrs. Beumer tells Anton about the night of his parents' death, how she saw his mother attack one of the soldiers, perhaps precipitating her murder. Mrs. Beumer also tells Anton how the Kortewegs moved shortly after Liberation Day. Finally, it is Mrs. Beumer that makes Anton aware of the memorial that has his parents' names on it. A few years later, Anton will also learn that it was Mrs. Beumer who told the soldiers where Truus Coster was hiding, precipitation her arrest.