English & Literature
Who is Miyuki Nakano from Deep Fathom and what is their importance? Deep_Fathom English & Literature Miyuki Nakano | Deep Fathom

Miyuki is currently on leave from a Japanese professorship at the University. The petite teacher has worked for two years at a Palo Alto Internet firm where she has picked up English as a second language, and seldom leaves her computer lab at Ryukyu University. She has ebony hair, a rich complexion, and is rarely seen in anything other than a starched and pressed lab coat. The first woman to be nominated for the Nobel Prize, Miyuki has had accolades from around the world for her work in computer science for her creation of the artificial intelligence she calls Gabriel. Gabriel is a fully functioning interactive 'ghost in the machine.' His interaction with his surroundings is often unnerving to those who have their questions directly answered by him, or are engaged in conversation by him.