English & Literature
Who is Misbegot Bridge Crew from The Truth: A Novel of Discworld and what is their importance? The_Truth_(novel) English & Literature Misbegot Bridge Crew | The Truth: A Novel of Discworld

A group of beggars and thieves live under Misbegot Bridge, avoiding work and people until they are induced by protagonist William de Worde to sell copies of the Ankh-Morpork Times. The crew includes: Coffin Henry, who is generally acknowledged to be their leader; he is also a champion expectorator. Arnold Sideways uses the loss of both legs to full advantage in bar fights, biting people in the genitals. Duck Man, is well-spoken, educated, and sane, but consistently (and wrongly) insists that he has no duck on his head. When they witness Mr. Pin and Mr. Tulip throwing two sacks full of terriers into the river, Arnold and Duck Man manage to rescue one sack. Henry wants to give them artificial respiration, but is told it is unhygienic.