English & Literature
Who is Michael Bekker from Eyes of Prey and what is their importance? Eyes_of_Prey English & Literature Michael Bekker | Eyes of Prey

Michael Bekker is a pathologist who is employed by the local university. He is also a drug addict, who takes a variety of prescription and illegal drugs that keep him high most of the time. Bekker and Druze met at a bar, where Bekker befriended Druze with the intention of having him kill his wife. After the deed is done, however, Bekker becomes paranoid, and he ends up having Druze kill several more people in order to hide the facts behind his wife's death.
Bekker murders Elizabeth Armistead to keep Druze quiet, however, he does so in a way that implicates Druze. Bekker manages to remain one step ahead of the investigation at all times, at least until Druze dies. When Druze dies, Lucas and two other policemen are waiting for him at the funeral home. Lucas beats Bekker with the sight of his pistol, tearing up his face in revenge for what Bekker did to Cassie.
Eyes of Prey