English & Literature
Who is Merton Densher from The Wings of the Dove and what is their importance? The_Wings_of_the_Dove English & Literature Merton Densher | The Wings of the Dove

Merton Densher is a poor journalist who, while clearly a delightful, intelligent man, does not enjoy the status in London society that will allow a marriage to Kate Croy, niece of wealthy Maud Lowder. Because of his love for Kate, he is manipulated by her into participating in a scheme to marry a mortally ill young heiress from America. To this end, he follows the heiress to Venice, visits with her, and, despite his love for Kate, ultimately is unable to follow through with the plan. He visits Milly one last time and tells her the truth - that he is, indeed, engaged to Kate, albeit secretly. He returns to London clearly torn between his love for Kate and his loss of principles, believing that he has been complicit in Milly's rapidly deteriorating condition. In the end, he gives Kate a choice. They can renounce the bequest that Milly has left him and marry, free of any taint, or, if Kate refuses this offer, he will give her all of the money, and they will part. Realizing that Merton probably did love Milly after all, and realizing that she cannot defy her aunt, Kate ends the relationship. Merton is portrayed as a gentle man who is deeply troubled by his own ethical compromises and who, in the end, redeems himself.