English & Literature
Who is Martin Benn from Imagining Argentina and what is their importance? Imagining_Argentina English & Literature Martin Benn | Imagining Argentina

The central narrator in the novel, Martin is a close family friend of Carlos and his family. Although the story is wholly about Carlos and his gift to help an ailing community, Martin is the main voice throughout the novel. He tells the story of what Carlos sees and feels throughout his experience, adding his own personal reflections or perspective at certain times. Although Martin speaks throughout the novel, the reader nearly forgets that he or she is reading about events through his eyes. Instead, the novel focuses directly on Carlos himself. It is as though Martin directly translates and conveys to the reader what is happened to Carlos in a filter similar to the filter Carlos is for the people who come to his garden to hear about what has happened to their loved ones. Although Martin is talking, the reader has little interest in what happens with him, instead focusing wholly on Carlos and his family.