English & Literature
Who is Mademoiselle Duphot from The Well of Loneliness and what is their importance? The_Well_of_Loneliness English & Literature Mademoiselle Duphot | The Well of Loneliness

Mademoiselle Duphot is a French tutor Sir Philip hires to teach his daughter. Mademoiselle is a cheerful, loving woman whom Stephen discovers she can push over quite easily. Stephen learns her French perfectly, becoming good friends with Mademoiselle Duphot. Eventually, however, Sir Philip feels it is necessary to bring in a more educated tutor and he hired Puddle to take Mademoiselle Duphot's place, sending Mademoiselle Duphot back to Paris to care for her ailing mother. Years later, Stephen will meet Mademoiselle Duphot on the streets of Paris and they will become reacquainted, often visiting with one another until Stephen becomes afraid that Mademoiselle Duphot will not understand Stephen's lifestyle and push her away. Instead, Stephen stops visiting Mademoiselle Duphot herself.