English & Literature
Who is Mademoiselle Atala Judici from Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations and what is their importance? La_Cousine_Bette English & Literature Mademoiselle Atala Judici | Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations

Atala Judici is just one of a number of young girls who live as "pretend wives" of Hector Hulot. She is almost 16 years old and already beautiful. Atala has ivory white skin like lilies and dark hair and eyes. Atala (like the others) comes from a poor family. She runs away from a mother who beats her and a father who mistreats her and sets up house with "Monsieur Vyder" (alias Baron Hector Hulot) and becomes his "little wife" (426). Atala calls him "Daddy Vyder," and depends on Hector for her food, clothing and shelter. Hector even partially supports Atala Judici's parents. The young girl has no idea that what goes on between herself and Baron Hulot is wrong. She views their relationship as mutually beneficial, if somewhat confusing. It is unclear from the narrative whether or not Atala Judici's relationship with "Daddy Vyder" is at all sexual.