English & Literature
Who is Loverboy from Eyes of Prey and what is their importance? Eyes_of_Prey English & Literature Loverboy | Eyes of Prey

Loverboy is the nickname the cops use to discuss Stephanie Bekker's lover. This man was in the house when Stephanie Bekker was attacked by Druze. The cops have been able to establish that Loverboy cleaned all evidence of his presence from the house and left before calling 911 from a phone booth. Lucas concocts a strategy to contact Loverboy through the press to help prevent his identity from becoming known. Lucas needs Loverboy to identify Druze as Stephanie's lover, but before he can, Cassie and Druze are killed. Lucas blames Loverboy for not coming forward. At the very end of the novel, the reader learns that Lucas has figured out who Loverboy is by a list of clues he has inadvertently left behind. Loverboy is Lucas's commander, Quentin Daniel.