English & Literature
Who is Lord King from Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography and what is their importance? Losing_My_Virginity English & Literature Lord King | Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography

Lord King is the name of the president/CEO of British Airways British Airways. Lord King is offended by Richard's mission that he claims usurps British Airway's traditional role, demanding, "Who the hell does Richard Branson think he is?" Lord King spreads rumors about Virgin. Richard writes to Lord King in an attempt to resolve their differences but he refuses to acknowledge Richard's existence. Malcolm Rifkind is the secretary for transport that nominates Virgin as British carrier for two extra flights to Tokyo on March 15, 1991. Lord King estimates BA will lose 250 million pounds yearly from this decision and continues to fight Virgin about releasing Heathrow slots while Richard prepares to set up facilities like check-in desks and baggage handlers for them.