English & Literature
Who is Lord Havelock Vetinari from The Truth: A Novel of Discworld and what is their importance? The_Truth_(novel) English & Literature Lord Havelock Vetinari | The Truth: A Novel of Discworld

The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, Vetinari is trained as a youth by the Assassins' Guild and has for some time ruled the city. He believes that what the people most want is for things to stay the same. Working from the Oblong Office, where he is too cheap to build an adequate fire, to the point that his ink freezes, Vetinari is more benevolent a dictator than earlier Patricians, but no better liked. He is said rarely, if ever, to have dragged innocent people to dungeons without a trial, but he does not bother to request or demand their presence before sending goons to inform them of an appointment and escort them directly there. Vetinari has the advantage of knowing why they are there while they are ignorant. For this he can thank a team of clerks that keeps him abreast of everything happening in the city. They are headed by his personal secretary, Rufus Drumknott.