English & Literature
Who is Lily Mercy from Montana Sky and what is their importance? Montana_Sky English & Literature Lily Mercy | Montana Sky

The middle of Jack Mercy's daughters, Lily is quiet and unassuming. Though she appears shy to an outsider, Lily's shyness comes from her abusive relationship with her ex-husband, Jesse Cooke. A school teacher, Lily had been swept off her feet by the romantic Marine, falling head over heels with the man who showered her with love and romance. It was not until after speedy romance and marriage that Jesse's love for Lily became more demanding and controlling. Lily learned quickly that when Jesse was unhappy he would strike her, then cry and apologize, blaming Lily for the situation. Lily accepted the blame for the problems in the marriage for some time before finally finding the strength to leave her husband. Despite this, Jesse continued to stalk Lily and abuse her. The death of Jack Mercy and the trip to Montana appears to Lily to be the perfect solution to her situation.