English & Literature
Who is Karen Grace from Deep Fathom and what is their importance? Deep_Fathom English & Literature Karen Grace | Deep Fathom

Karen has been on the Island of Okinawa for three years, having come from British Columbia, Canada to study at Ryukyu University and complete her doctorate. She is working towards her thesis on Micronesian cultures, looking for clues as to the migration patterns and origins of the early Polynesian people. Karen comes from a history of relatives who thrived in exploration, and she is no different. Capable and adventurous, when she learns about the pyramids that had risen to the surface after the recent earthquake, she sees it as a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn about the history of what was once considered more myth than truth. Skeptical at first, when confronted with photos of the terraced tops rising out of the water, she was hooked and had to know if there was a connection between the Mayans who were the people speculated to have built them and the Polynesians. Either way, she is unable to pass up the opportunity to explore them first hand. Her best friend and fellow University doctor, Miyuki Nakano, feels the same way.